New Companion. . . New Apartment. . . New City. . . New Area

Okay, super quick email cause I ran out of time haha So basically we did a big service project and like leveled out min Pallas back yard. Which sucked because it's just clay so it was super heavy and like stuck to the pick axe and other tools. Anyway then I found out I'm leaving. Super duper sad cause I love Battambong but the Lord's plan is perfect so I trust in Him and I'm trying to have the best attitude about it, but it was like super, super sad. Lots of my friends are getting baptized and I was really close so it's super sad to be like 5 hours away from them when they go through with the biggest decision they're going to make up to this point in their life. Anywayyyy, so I said bye to all my friends and one was with ming mich, who was at a Christas concert thingy so that was fun to say goodbye to her there. Anyway then I left like one of the biggest areas in the mission to the smallest area so I feel a little trapped haha cause it's also in the city so...