
Showing posts from March, 2025

Paradise on Earth

 This week was crazy! Because it was transfers. I said goodbye to all my members in SMC which was sad. I printed them all out pictures though so they can remember me better than the rest heh heh heh. Anyway that was Wednesday and Thursday that I said goodbye to all of them. Super packed and busy those couple of day to be honest. Friday though was crazy. We went and played volley for exercise and to say goodbye to some youth as well. Then went home, showered, and grabbed all my luggage so that I could send it to my new area. Then me and Elder Phal rode the same bike to a couple of our last members we wanted to say goodbye to, (We're both leaving the area 😔) received some gifts and then went back to Stung Mean Chey for the last mea we'll have there! Anyway then we went back to the house and I rode 14 kilometers behind a tuk tuk as Elder Phal sat in it with his luggage. We did this because his new area was only 14 kilometers away. After that we took a tuk tuk to the church where ...