Trying Something New

Okay, so I've seen other missionaries type their weekly updates day by day and sending them on p-days. So, that's what imma try so that ya'll can know a little bit more about my week (since my p-days are so packed and I have almost no time to send one out.)

Saturday 7-27

Okie dokie so this day was so nice as always. We started full immersion for Khmer Friday and by Friday night I was so exhausted from trying to understand things so a p-day was well in order. We studied and did laundry and I called my family and told them funny stories and then went and played tons of pickle ball and volleyball. Speaking of that, I can't remember if I told you about my companion, Elder Chong. We all joke he's one of the three Nephites because he baffles us with his intelligent skills. But not only that, he didn't play sports in high school but somehow he's cracked at pickle ball, spike ball, volleyball, and even soccer! My other comp (Elder Chevrier) is like one of the best soccer players in Tahiti but Elder Chong still was able to stop him from scoring more than anybody else! 

Sunday 7-28

Yes, I said p-days are amazing but I'd say Sundays are my favorite out of the whole week. I start off with a DL (District Leader) meeting with the Craigs (yes, as in Sister Craig!) and my Branch President and other DL's. Then we have Elder's Quorum with our district and one other district (like last week we had the Korean Elders and most of them were native too! soo cool.) It's always so packed with the spirit and I love it. Then we have sacrament meeting which is always filled with amazing speakers. Guess what THERE'S MORE SPIRITY STUFF! It's called go and do. Where we basically get to study the scriptures for like 2.5 hours on some guided studies they give us. I love it! I get to find and mark so many cross references! Then we regroup and talk about the things we found in our studying which always gets our whole district sharing cool insights. The spirit is always so strong during our share time. One of the things that stuck out to me this Sunday was  2 Nephi 25:23 ". . .For we know that it is by grace that we are saved, after all we can do." It just isn't enough to just believe. We have to act on the faith that we have in Him (Faith is an action word.) Anyway, lots of more stuff but this is already getting long haha. Oh yeah our devotional was fire! We watched old football clips of the President of the MTC. We then talked about how they were the underdogs and he scored two touch downs in the first half of the quarter, but they ended up loosing the game. Moral of the story there are major highs and major lows in football and in life. If you don't know the Savior personally then these lows are going to crush you like no other. Jesus Christ and Heavenly Father are always here for us though, waiting to bless us. We just have to go to Him and seek guidance and peace. We then had a district meeting where I lead it and like I said, these are my favorite because we are all at our very best and the spirit is just so strong. (I'll try to make the days less detailed because this is getting really long)

Monday 7-29

I can't remember what happened Monday to be honest. I also didn't get to journal this day so I don't have any reminders. So I guess I'll just share how it's so fun to be marking my Book of Mormon up with things that I'm learning. It's very fun, also I've been trying really hard to utilize any time I have studying the language because sometimes I feel a little behind.

General Devotional Tuesday 7-30

I can't remember if I said this already but Elder Chong is a beast and is so good at volleyball. He just saves crazy hits so nonchalantly. Anyway, so we had a crazy game that was so fun. This day is one of my favorites because of the General Authority that comes to speak to us. Today it was the Neilsons and what's crazy is that it was their last talk ever as a General Area Authority after over 15 years of being called (they are getting released in two days from today-Tuesday). I think the comment that stood out to me the most was that if you're looking for Jesus Christ's Church on the earth, find the one that is taking the great commission seriously (preaching the Gospel to all nations of the world), which, is none other than The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We have 74,000 missionaries preaching in 450 missions speaking just barely under 60 languages. If that's not the gathering of Israel I don't know what is. I can bare testimony that I know this church is the true church of God and Joseph Smith was called of God to restore it. I absolutely love these devotional days and the little meetings we have with our district afterwards are so spirit packed.

Wednesday 7-31

I woke up super sick and took a tiny 5 minute nap after my DL meeting and breakfast. I then drug myself to volleyball where it probably got too heated but I just can't help my competitive nature, haha. Anyway, after some physical activity I felt a little bit better. I also want to share my love for the scriptures, they make it so much easier to love the people around me. (sometimes it's really hard but trust me the scriptures like bestow charity upon you.) Oooo, also my mom sent donuts for my whole district, WHAT A WIN! I also snack while I journal and she also sent steak strips so that also makes me so happy.

Thursday 8-01

I had another witness of The Book of Mormon being true. I was super irritable during our volleyball game because people were just being so immature in my opinion, but I'm sure I was part of the problem. Anyway, as soon as I opened my scriptures and started reading all those feelings like yeeted out of my heart and brain and I just felt love for the very people that were making me so upset earlier.

Friday 8-02

The days are literally zooming by I can't believe its already Friday. I've noticed I'm pretty good at understanding the things being taught in the classroom (Khmer language) but speaking it (remembering the words I learn) is definitely not my forte.

Anyways, so moral of my weekly story is that I know for a fact that this church is true and that Heavenly Father has His prophets and apostles on the earth today. Heavenly Father loves each and everyone of us personally and so does Jesus Christ. I'm absolutely loving my mission so much even though sometimes there might be challenges. I LOVE YA'LL

-Elder Acton out
