Poly-longi Choir

 Sunday 8-25

Well for all the regulars you've probably gotten bored of me saying this but it's just a true statement; Sundays are my favorite day, with Tuesdays at a close second of course. I can't remember if I told y'all or not but I was able to be in the poly-longi choir (poly for Polynesian, of course and bolangi for white person-sorry for my bad spelling) Anyway, so it was all the poly's and their companions. It was amazing! We got to sing "How Can I Be",  I'll add the link to the voice recording. Anyway, our Go and Do experience was also amazing because we were talking about The Book of Mormon again :))) The emphasis this week was on how it is so much more than just a history record of ancient America. The words of ancient prophets were engraved on metal plates so anything included is of great importance and shouldn't be overlooked. Anyway, long story short, The Book of Mormon is amazing and if you aren't reading it daily I would highly recommend. It is the prerecorded voice of the Lord!

Monday 8-26

So we were rewarded with poly food for singing!!! So good so good! We had musubi and um I forgot what it's called but it's sweet rolls dipped in pure fresh coconut milk, oh my goodness it's so yummy! I may or may not have stuck around extra long to get secondsss! Ooo also we waved to Elder Rasband as he was visiting his granddaughter who is in the MTC right now so that was a pleasant surprise! Ooo and I got yet another package from my cousins and it made me so happy they were thinking of me!

Tuesday 8-27

Today was the first day I was successful in reaching my goal of waking up early at 6:00 to then get my hour of personal study in before sports. It's really hard to do because I don't get the best sleep here cause the beds are definitely harder than the one at home and I don't even end my day til 10:30, but I did it today so that's a win! I also saw a direct correlation in my attitude and my motivation throughout my entire day! Later in the day, during our afternoon class, locrue (it's Cambodian for teacher and I romanized it so you can read it) talked about when he taught this particular family who was living in a dump basically. Trash everywhere, when it rained their roof leaked so they had 2 feet of water in their house half the year. They don't complain though cause they don't know anything different. He tried to explain how he felt "I just wanted to take them home with me so they can experience the joy and happiness I have in my life! They have no idea how good even the less fortunate have it in America. . .The only thing I can/could give them is the teachings of Jesus Christ and His saving Atonement and plan for us." Which is the best thing you can give to anyone but the meaning to this family is so much more. Just crazy and I'm sure it will affect me when I'm there so much more than what I felt in that classroom, but that's saying a lot because there was so much feeling in that room. Sheesh the feels got me right now just thinking about it again. Anyway, ahah the devo tonight was also fire! Sister Amy Wright and her husband was our speaker for Tuesday. A couple things that I really liked from her was the reminder of how we are instruments in the Lord's hands. We have to remember though that instruments need constant tuning and fixing. It's okay that we are teaching others about Christ even if we are not perfect ourselves. The main focus is our progression and motivation to become better representatives of Him. I also really liked the comment of how our trials we go through are individually hard for us. For example, take Nephi and Naaman and their trials. Nephi was commanded to kill Laban "For it is better that one man perish than a whole nation shall perish in unbelief." For Nephi this seemed to be an impossible task, for he had never taken life before. If it were Naaman, it would have been no problem because of his militaristic experience. Now on the other hand, if Nephi was asked to bathe in the river Jordan it would've been a piece of cake with how obedient he was to the Lord. I don't know if I was able to express that thought very well but long story short, Jesus suffered every trial we ever go through so He knows which ones will challenge us and help us grow to become better. Sooo trust Him and let the trials you go through be for your benefit. Also, brother Wright talked about how we can have the voice of angels as we are worthy of our covenants and fulfill our duties as priesthood holders. He also emphasized the importance of preparing mentally to enter the temple, making sure we leave a more glorified person than when we went in. Okay that's all for Tuesday :)

Wednesday 8-28

Today was filled with medical errands for Elder Chong and his foot ick. While me and Elder Chevrier waited for his appointment to be done we absolutely killed a puzzle so that made me really happy! Like we were poppin off, we prolly finished half of that 1000 piece puzzle (granted we were there for hours, lol)

Thursday 8-29

I don't think this day actually happened to be honest.

Friday 8-30

Today at lunch I did the chocolate milk challenge!!! but I only got 4 1/2 cups of milk :( so sad. I just felt like I was gonna throw up if I took one more sip. But then literally 30 minutes later I felt completely fine and through out the night I felt chillin too (shout out to the fast lactase pills for lactose intolerance(they work!)). We also had a sub tonight for our class and he's awesome. Let's just say he's glad he didn't have to learn Cambodian and I'm happy I don't have to learn Mong.

Special shout out to my mom because she sent our whole district journals with all our names on it and a special picture and spiritual quote. Literally so amazing!


  1. I loved being able to hear about your week. It sounds like you are experiencing so many wonderful growing opportunities. The message of the song the choir sang was so beautiful. Thank you for sharing not only about your days, but also that song.
    Major congratulations on your win for getting up on time. The first day of many, I am sure. Keep up the good work.
    The Book of Mormon is such an amazing book. I don't ever want to take the miracle of it for granted. I feel it's power every day as I read and am taught about the great love, sacrifice, obedience, patience, and faith recorded upon its pages. Not only by those whose stories are recorded, but by those who took the time to recorded and protect the record. But most of all, how faithful Jesus Christ is in standing by us, in nurturing us as we learn from our trials and have more faith in Him. It is my firm believe that our trials are the price we pay to come to know Him personally.


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