Happy in the Lord's Work

Well this week was super busy and I actually had no time to journal so sorry y'all you don't get the day by day play this time. Don't worry though I'll still say some stuffff.

First off let's talk about General Conference!!! Sooo gooood! I don't know if it's just because I'm on my mission and I had hyper focus on it or if it was just so amazing this time. Either way if you haven't, give it a listen. . . do it like nowww, soooo good. I found like 8 major themes that kept being repeated and so I'll share them with you and how many talks mentioned it. Yeah so here's what I got 😁

1.) Love and live like Jesus so there's no doubt you represent Him : I found 11 talks that mentioned this

2.) How important the Temple is in our lives : 10 talks on this

3.) This is a Gospel of Joy : 8 talks

4.) Don't be self centered or prideful/ do it God's way not yours : 9 talks

5.) We have trials for our benefit : 7 talks

6.) We're never lower than the light of the infinite Atonement : 5 talks

7.) We can't do it by ourselves : 10 talks

8.) We have divine potential to become like our Father in Heaven : 7 talks

Anyway I'm so thankful for our Prophet and Apostles and there's nothing more in this world I know to be more true than they

Anyway, second thing is apparently there's another even bigger holiday than  what pshum mun (sorry I don't know hot romanize that 😅) Anyway it last for like two weeks and they set it up last Sunday. But it's like a Chelan County Fair on steroids; on the street for like a mile. So that's crazy, super packed with people! I got a new belt buckle too which of course I had to get the Gucci one. Cause Cambodian Gucci goes crazy haha.

Anyway let's see imma just tell you about one of my highlights for the week. We taught a guy, and he speaks English, and we wouldn't be teaching him if I wasn't persistent! Which is nice cause it's the first person I feel that I can help personally. Anyway, so this guy first calls my companion and asks to meet which is awesome right? Well, Elder Rabe thought it was too good to be true especially when he said "yeah, I'll make you two breakfast, also I'm super lonely and want some people to talk to, also make sure it's just you two. I don't want anyone else there." As he says this Elder Rabe says to him well our tuk tuk driver might be there and then makara (the guy we're talking to) says "why are you scared?" So at this point Elder Rabe is dreading going to the appointment that next Sunday morning but I'm thinking you know it'll prolly be fine. We're two big Americans and he's one cambodian sized Cambodian. But then he gets sick the day before and cancels, so then we reschedule but then Elder Rabe gets sick so we have to postpone again. And the night we were suppose to go over we ended up super busy and didn't get a chance to get over there (very sadly) also partly because Elder Rabe didn't have a strong desire to so he wasn't high on our priority list. Which is so overflowing haha. Anyway, then the next night we were suppose to meet he was drunk and was mad we could never meet him. And I was kinda thinking, yeah I'd be frustrated too to be honest. But at that point Elder Rabe didn't want to visit him at all anymore. But I kinda wanted to still and felt like we should. So I gave him the call and talked and set up a time and we finally found his house and met with him! And he's actually so cool! He's got a nice little family and lots of friends but the reason he has no one to talk to is because he doesn't want to trouble his wife with him losing his job and not being able to find another, and he doesn't want to tell his friends because he doesn't want to be embarrassed. Okay now, that I've set the stage lol imma tell you how I went about the lesson😊 It made me so happy that I could help him!!! He talked about his trouble and how it's really hard and how he needs advice from us. Which of course we have the best advice literally on this planet. The message of Jesus Christ, because He helps with everything we go throughhh, so we spent some time just listening and then I shared about how Christ can make it all better! Even if that's not in the way we think, we shared a scripture talking about how Christ is the light of our lives and then makara says "yeah I need a flash light in my life" and I was YESSSS guess who that is??? Jesus Christ, he's our flash light and He can help us scatter the darkness in our life! And we can teach you how to strengthen your relationship with Jesus. And he says "yeah I need you to teach me" and of course I said yessss, you came to the right people. I said "I left everything at home so I can come here to Cambodia for two years and serve you and other people of Cambodia, and I wouldn't have done that if I hadn't seen Christ help me in my life and knew that this Gospel is true." He seemed very intrigued and asked some more questions. I just remember feeling so amazing after our meeting with him because we almost didn't meet with him, but I just pursued a little farther and turns out he has such amazing potential. I so hope he keeps wanting to learn because I already have so much love for him and can just see him and his wonderful family in the temple all together sealed for time and all eternity. Being so happy no matter what earthly trial they are going through because they know that everything that happens here on earth is for our good in the life to come after death and our resurrection!!!! Anyway, so that was a high light!

Also this pday we played some volleyball in the morning and then I wanted to play spike ball but it started raining and everyone was too tired to play with me out in the rain so I played by myself.😆 But that wasn't too fun so I just ended up running laps in the grass hahaha. Kind of a bummer but oh well. Oh and then I stretched in the puddles hahaha. I just wish there was someone there to be in the rain with me, I mean we only get one pday a week so I get sad when they are all just too tired to do anything fun😔 Very sad, especially since the rain is so nice and warm, it's like amazing. So a little sad tonight, and I don't even have any milk or chocolate to cheer me up. Ooooo but I do have fruit so that's what I'll do! Hahaha, okay sorry for ranting on my weekly, but oh well😆

I love all of you guys and I hope this week you can study the talks from General Conferenceeeee

Love Elder Acton

It was boo Ras birthday today so
we bought him a cake and ate it 
with him, so fun!

I tried to capture how big this plate of 
food was after eating like 3/4 of it already

After playing soccer, so hot haha
just sweat, no rain😅

The duck in the egg

When you have an Acton stomach so you need to
buy double of almost every meal you get

Fresh Cambodian watermelon, so yummy!

The difference between mine (clean) and
my comps after eating them. The chickens
did like Elder Rabe better cause they had 
something to eat from his😆

Little toadddd

Oooo they baby biscuits kinda hit different
when you hungry lol I'd say 8 out of 10
on the yummy scale and it's healthyyy

Hahaha we went to the sunglasses shop
at the little roadside fair and I just had
to try on the crazy ones, lol
I feel like an evil German Scientist

Kids at the park helping read Khmer haha
so fun and they get to help me read about 
Jesus Christ

This is when ming Mike made some like fermented
greens and gave it to us. Very good and tasty😋

Sorry it's so quiet but we played a little soccer with
cows right next to us and then taught about Jesus Christ
right after! While getting devoured by mosquitos though🙃

I think this one explains itself

Heheheh fun times!!

So this is what the big holiday is all about,
row boatssss so fun and cool. I'm very jealous
of them and the kids who get to jump in the water
