More Exchanges!!

Heyyyy I journaled every dayyy whatttt!!!! So that means y'all get a weekly day by dayyy, much better. Monday We actually did something different and we played volleyball. . .and thennnnnn played some soccer!!!! It was super fun, but the two Cambodian youth were complaining so much about how hot it was, which was quite ironic if I do say so myself. so much so that they just stopped playing and sat in the shade. Super lame, us missionaries kept playing though cause it cost money to be there! And once I got sweating then hot is hot and it's just hot and you just deal with it yk? Like 85 in the hot sun when I'm sweating and 100 in the hot sun and I'm sweating feels the same to me. Anyway was really fun either way. Tuesday Just had District Council which was kinda sad tbh cause it's the last normal one of the transfer. I really love my district, they're all my friends and imma be super sad when they leave.😔 Anyway we ate all together again super fun, and may or ma...