More Exchanges!!

 Heyyyy I journaled every dayyy whatttt!!!!

So that means y'all get a weekly day by dayyy, much better.


We actually did something different and we played volleyball. . .and thennnnnn played some soccer!!!! It was super fun, but the two Cambodian youth were complaining so much about how hot it was, which was quite ironic if I do say so myself. so much so that they just stopped playing and sat in the shade. Super lame, us missionaries kept playing though cause it cost money to be there! And once I got sweating then hot is hot and it's just hot and you just deal with it yk? Like 85 in the hot sun when I'm sweating and 100 in the hot sun and I'm sweating feels the same to me. Anyway was really fun either way.


Just had District Council which was kinda sad tbh cause it's the last normal one of the transfer. I really love my district, they're all my friends and imma be super sad when they leave.😔 Anyway we ate all together again super fun, and may or may not have done a couple punches on a punching bag. So that was fun. Anyway later that night I started my exchange with Elder Freeman. So as a tradition from now on when I do exchanges I scream in my "sleep" hahaha super funny cause they get super duper scared😆anyway so I scared him, he didn't say anything though which was kinda lame.


This day was actually pretty awesome, I loved how diligently and frequently Elder Freeman had us pray! It also was a day full of biking and we did it a super fun way! By holding onto the back of big trucks going like 35-40 miles and hour! I actually have no idea how fast they were going because my relativity of speed is gone out the window since I haven't been in a car for three months; only one time in the last 6 months. We were on a freeway type road so it had to have been like 40. Anyway, that was really fun and we were both telling each other how our mothers would kill us if they could see us right now hahaha. . . so I decided to put it in my weekly 🙃 you're welcome mama 😉 hehehe anyway we had a lesson with Cambodian geologist which was pretty cool - he speaks really good English and he claims that he has a meteor from the moon that he searched for for many years. He said he watched it fall and then looked for fragments and finally found one so that's neat! I'm curious to know if it's 100% real or not idk haha. he did have some very cool rocks though, I was very impressed. Reminded me of my rock collection back home! Then later that night I switched to being comps wit Elder Say and that was a blast. That night we got slurpies from 7/11 and then with Elder Eav with us too we got fried chicken and fried frogs. Super yummy actually! Tasted almost like perch or bass, but like that type of taste. Anyway, that night I had to do my trade mark and Elder Eav pranked me earlier that day so I had to do it to him too. But he knew I was gonna do that so he locked his door to his room when he went to bed. Little does he know I'm a white ninja in the night and I snuck in through his window on the second floor by doing a muscle up and sneakily climbing through without a creak. Then I screamed really loud and he got very scared hehehehe ofc I recorded it!!!! Super fulfilling, lots of adrenaline. Anyway then I did a little one to Elder Say. He woke up and said some words but apparently in his sleep because he didn't remember any of it when I asked him about it the next morning.


Anyway this day was fun, we had some lessons in the morning but then we did a blitz all together as a district!!! We met at the church for our game plan. (A blitz is where all the missionaries in our district(12) go to one missionaries' area and split up and contact for 4ish hours. Then anyone we find go straight to the missionaries in that area. Anyway, Elder Say and I towards the end of the day went to a borey (neighborhood) that had this like hang out spot/fair thing in it. Anyway, I bought some bugs and munched like I was in "The Lion King." Pretty good not gonna lie. Anyway then we went and ate at our stung mean chey spot which was once again super delicious.


Came back to my house and did an exchange with Elder Hansen and we had a pretty lit day too! We had some really good studies and some really good lessons and then we ate at bg Kim Chou's house which was super yummy and also taught her and her son, which was awesome as always. She gave us tons of mangos as well. Super lit! Anyway then we went and taught English class.


I switched Elder Hallam for our exchange and we visited some people he hasn't seen in a very long while, we also ate at pu Phari's house and that was good too, very Khmer that's for sure. We ate the dried then fried fish and then some old soup so that was good as well. Then we went and explored part of my area I haven't even been in really and we tried finding this less active member and ig you could say we were successful. It's just he waved at us then once we stopped our bikes he ran inside and continued to like play peekaboo through his gate. When we could see him we waved and he would wave back but then go hiding again haha kinda funny. Anyway we taught some ysa people about the Book of Mormon and how to better study it so that was neat!


Was pretty normal, always so many people who have so many questions or need help that come up to us after sacrament so that's always hard cause we'll like get swarmed. I guess it's a good thing they trust us with every problem they have😆


Today was really fun! We went mini golfing as a Zone and ate super over priced burritos. Super sad, because I miss big burritos with real Mexican rice and beans and sour cream and cheese mmmmmm take me back to Agave Azul or El Chavo. Man that would be so yummy right now sheesh. Anyway that's pretty much it for today.

I will say I saw on a Facebook story that my friend from Battambang got baptized, and man was that such a joy to me! He's paralyzed but the missionaries there were able to work things out to where he was able to get baptized. Literally makes me so incredibly happy!!!!

Also on the day with Elder Hansen we contacted a family and they sat and talked with us for nearly an hour, it was quite amazing. We had an amazing time!

Anyways, I love you all! Have the bestest week ever!!!

Elder Acton out


The pretty part of the city

Where I ninja'd up and snuck
into Elder Eav's room

The finger print evidence on the wall

offensive blitz went crazy

Our blitz!!


Hakuna Matata

ain't no passin' craze

it means no worries for the rest of our days

This guy yanked my ear so hard on both sides
"deep tissue massage" he said as I hear
ripping sounds

Palm reader??

No. . . she likes picking the
dead skin off my hands

Love this bg! So happy he finally
got the opportunity to be baptized!!
