Paradise on Earth
This week was crazy! Because it was transfers. I said goodbye to all my members in SMC which was sad. I printed them all out pictures though so they can remember me better than the rest heh heh heh. Anyway that was Wednesday and Thursday that I said goodbye to all of them. Super packed and busy those couple of day to be honest. Friday though was crazy. We went and played volley for exercise and to say goodbye to some youth as well. Then went home, showered, and grabbed all my luggage so that I could send it to my new area. Then me and Elder Phal rode the same bike to a couple of our last members we wanted to say goodbye to, (We're both leaving the area 😔) received some gifts and then went back to Stung Mean Chey for the last mea we'll have there!
Anyway then we went back to the house and I rode 14 kilometers behind a tuk tuk as Elder Phal sat in it with his luggage. We did this because his new area was only 14 kilometers away. After that we took a tuk tuk to the church where all the new missionaries were. Thing is we were super late because riding that 14 miles took longer than I thought it would because of traffic. Anyway I picked up a new missionary and we both rode a tuk tuk to the bus/van station. We were 5 minutes late but luckily they waited for us so we hopped on the van and then off we were to paradise on earth. WE WENT LIKE 80 MILES AN HOUR!!! Super crazy, fastest I've gone since landing in Cambodia 6 months ago, crazyyy. Anyway once we got here after a 3ish hour ride I ate some mangos that I packed in my bag. Which in total was like 20 pounds of mangos or more 😆 but they're expensive in this new place, so yeah.
Anyway my new are is called Sihanouk ville and to put it in simple words it's Chinese Gotham. Except a lot of Chinese got kicked out for doing illegal scamming and jobs, thing is they were in the middle of building a ton of casinos so there's like 100 or more abandoned sky scrapers like all over the city. Pretty crazy, looks like the scene off of scorch trials with all the ruined skyscrapers. Anyway on pday, which is today, we ran on the beach so that was awesome and then we did weekly planning on the rocks as the waves crashed below us while watching the sunset orange sky fade and reveal a marvelous scene of bright clear stars.
JK, there's too much light pollution and humidity to have clear stars but the sunset was amazing!
Anyway I'm so blessed to be serving in the best mission in the world and the best area in my mission too! Super fun, only about 30 people come to church though. Oh, but the senior couple comes down and then feeds us every Saturday. So I had a fat pizza and dairy queen, except the ice cream is not the same😢
Anyway, I love all of you! Have the bestest week and check out my Google photos cause those tell stories in more detail!!!
Fun Pictures. We enjoyed the sunsets from your new area. It is amazing that there are so many vacant buildings. That seems eerie. Good luck adjusting to your new area and getting to the members there. We love being able to see all of your pictures and hear about your adventures.