
Showing posts from September, 2024


 Sunday 9-8 Okay, this was our last Sunday at the MTC so we did a lot of things haha. We sang "Love One Another" as a district in Sacrament meeting. The MTC President was in our ward this Sunday and when we were all done he asked us why we didn't try out to sing in one of the devotionals. (Because that's how good our song was 💪) then we had our departing devotional and I sang with the poly's during that as well so lots of singing haha. Pretty sad to be leaving though, the MTC is absolutely amazing! I packed pretty much the majority of my stuff this night. Monday 9-9 Last day playing sports at the MTC, not too sad about this one since its always crowded and you have to wait in line to do anything. Nonetheless it was still a fun day to play pickle ball. I was able to find a way to pack all the reading glasses mom sent from home! All thanks to Elder Chong and Elder He! Tuesday 9-10 This was our last day of class! We got Cambodian ties and grrumaaa (its like a scarf

Last Full Week at the MTC

 Saturday 8-31 Today was just the usual p-day except instead of volleyball I played soccer for two hours and it was so tiring but also so much more fun then playing volleyball for everyday of the week. Sunday best day! 9-1 Wow wow wow what an amazing start to the week! I'm writing this as I'm just finishing up my Go and Do. Since this is the first Sunday of the month, we fast. We had such an amazing testimony meeting. What I really want to focus on though is my ever growing love for The Book of Mormon. I know there might be some on here reading this that either don't believe it's true or are loosing their testimony of the power of this Book. Let me personally tell you that when you read it and follow its principles you are able to feel a love and a peace like no other! For everyone reading but especially those who don't know if the Book of Mormon is true or not please listen to or read at least one of these talks! They are absolutely amazing and can answer so many q

Poly-longi Choir

 Sunday 8-25 Well for all the regulars you've probably gotten bored of me saying this but it's just a true statement; Sundays are my favorite day, with Tuesdays at a close second of course. I can't remember if I told y'all or not but I was able to be in the poly-longi choir (poly for Polynesian, of course and bolangi for white person-sorry for my bad spelling) Anyway, so it was all the poly's and their companions. It was amazing! We got to sing "How Can I Be",  I'll add the link to the voice recording. Anyway, our Go and Do experience was also amazing because we were talking about The Book of Mormon again :))) The emphasis this week was on how it is so much more than just a history record of ancient America. The words of ancient prophets were engraved on metal plates so anything included is of great importance and shouldn't be overlooked. Anyway, long story short, The Book of Mormon is amazing and if you aren't reading it daily I would highly r